We support the hearts of all people who wish for
“Shurijo Castle’s Recovery”
“AEON Shurijo Castle Restoration Support Project”
The entire AEON Group will be contributing to the project
AEON Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, AEON) has launched the “AEON Shurijo Castle Restoration Support Project” in response to the major damage caused to Shurijo Castle, a World Heritage Site, by a large-scale fire that occurred before dawn on October 31, 2019.Now that we are facing the one-year anniversary of the fire, we have created a new slogan to support the restoration project until 2026 (scheduled for completion).
【 AEON Shurijo Castle Restoration Support Project 】
Always in our heart, Shurijo Castle.
About the initiatives of “AEON Shurijo Castle Restoration Support Project”
■ Shurijo Castle Restoration Support: Donated 100 million yen.
AEON launched “AEON Shurijo Castle Restoration Support Project” immediately after the Shurijo Castle fire on October 31. As part of the project, the AEON 1% Club Foundation*1 announced its commitment to donate 500 million yen over the next five years and after one year from the fire, the first donation was given to Okinawa Prefecture.
■ The 1st “Shurijo Castle Panel Exhibition” and “Shurijo Castle Coloring Exhibition”
The first exhibition at the AEON Haebaru was held with the support from the Okinawa Churashima Foundation. The exhibition showed the restoration status of the damaged collection that belong to the foundation as well as the long history of Shurijo Castle on panels. The event also exhibited 500 colored drawings of Shurijo Castle which were colored by local children.

Valuable materials were exhibited on panels under the supervision of the Okinawa Churashima Foundation, which manages the Shurijo Castle. Also, a DVD of Shurijo Castle was screened to demonstrate the glory of the Ryukyu Kingdom.
≪Shurijo Castle Coloring Exhibition≫
500 colored drawings of Shurijo Castle created by local children were exhibited.
■ Shurijo Castle WAON Donation: Increased 10 times to support restoration
In order to support the restoration of Shurijo Castle with customers across Japan, we raised the donation amount 10 times, from 0.1% to 1% of the total amount spent from customers who used the “Shurijo Castle WAON” (e-money card) to pay for their shopping.

Shurijo Castle WAON
■ AEON Group Companies: About Support Donation
With the cooperation of AEON Group companies, we will accept donations from November 1 (Sun) to November 30 (Mon) in order to support all contributions of our customers nationwide. Donations will be given to the Okinawa Churashima Foundation “Shurijo Castle Fund”.1.Support Donation via AEON Bank Account
AEON Bank has set up an exclusive account for receiving support donations. Check details from AEON Bank website: PC)https://www.aeonbank.co.jp/news/2020/1020_01.htmlSP)https://www.aeonbank.co.jp/sp/news/2020/1020_01.html
2.Support Donation via AEON CARD and Tokimeki Point
We receive donations from the AEON CARD “Lifestyle Money Site”.Check details from the below website.
3.Support Donation via WAON POINT
We receive donations from smart WAON website and APP.Check details from the below website.
*The fund will be donated to Okinawa Churashima Foundation “Shuri Castle Fund”.
■ AEON RYUKYU: “Support for Shurijo Castle” in-store donations at all branches

“Support for Shurijo Castle In-store Donation” is carried out at all 55 AEON RYUKYU branches.
Period: November 1 (Sun) to November 30 (Mon)
Branch: All 55 AEON RYUKYU branches
Period: November 1 (Sun) to November 30 (Mon)
Branch: All 55 AEON RYUKYU branches
■ Cultivating Tree Project for the restoration of Shurijo Castle
AEON Environmental Foundation*2 has continued to promote environmental activities with local communities for more than 30 years. As part of the Shurijo Castle restoration project, we are launching the “Cultivating Tree Project” and will be planting and cultivating “Inumaki-no-ki” (yew plum pine) for use in the restoration of Shurijo Castle by asking the local community to cultivate saplings for a year. AEON Environmental Foundation and AEON RYUKYU working together with Shurijo Castle Park Tomo-no Kai to engage in tree planting activities to cultivate new greenery. To prevent the spread of novel coronavirus infection, we aim to achieve the project within the “new lifestyle” that takes into account COVID-19.
Distribution period of saplings: From December 2020
No. of saplings:100
Cultivation period: 1 year
Planting location: Near Benoki Dam in Kunigami village
Tree planting date: Scheduled after November 2021
No. of saplings:100
Cultivation period: 1 year
Planting location: Near Benoki Dam in Kunigami village
Tree planting date: Scheduled after November 2021
【Reference】About AEON Group’s support for the restoration of Shurijo Castle
■ Launched “AEON Shurijo Castle Restoration Support Project” and announced to donate 500 million yen over five years

Presentation of Letter
Date & Time: November 6, 2019 (ed) at 15:20Place: Okinawa Prefectural Government Office, Executive Office of the Governor
Recipient: Okinawa Prefectural Government
Amount: 500 million yen (Presentation of Letter of Intent to donate the said amount over five years)
Attendees: Denny Tamaki, The Governor of Okinawa Prefecture
Hiroshi Yokoo, Chairman of AEON 1% Club Foundation
Keiji Sagata, President and CEO of AEON RYUKYU Co., Ltd.
■ AEON Group “Shurijo Castle Fund”

Location: Approximately 2,100 locations from AEON Group stores and offices nationwide*
Fund: 39,414,093 yen
Presentation Date: April 7, 2020 (Tue)
Recipient: Okinawa Churashima Foundation “Shurijo Castle Fund”
*Start and end date of the emergency support fund-raising depends on the store.
■ AEON RYUKYU “Shurijo Castle Fund”

Donation at AEON store
Period: November 1, 2019 (Fri) to February 29, 2020 (Sat)Branch: All 51 AEON RYUKYU branches (Number of stores implemented as of the end of February 2020)
Fund: 8,216,228 yen
Presentation Date: April 7, 2020 (Tue)
Recipient: Okinawa Churashima Foundation “Shurijo Castle Fund”
■ AEON Kyushu & MaxValu Kyushu Donations from 21 kinds of Kyushu Gotochi WAON cards

Donation presentation ceremony
Donation details: Donated 0.1% of the Kyushu Gotochi WAON card usage, from all 21 types for the restoration of Shurijo Castle.Period: December 1, 2019 (Sun) to December 31, 2019 (Tue)
Presentation Date: February 1, 2020 (Sat)
Fund: 3,597,027 yen
Recipient: Okinawa Churashima Foundation “Shurijo Castle Fund”
■ “Shurijo Castle WAON” Donation Presentation

Donation presentation ceremony
Donation details: Donated a part of the amount used from Shurijo Castle WAON card. Donated 0.1% of the card usage (March 1, 2019 to October 31, 2019) Donated 1% (10 times the usual amount) of the card usage (November 1, 2019 to February 29, 2020)Fund: 14,567,357 yen
Presentation date: April 7, 2020 (Tue)
Recipient: Okinawa Churashima Foundation “Shurijo Castle Fund”
Total fund: 44,515,489 yen
We have donated a total of 65,794,705 yen from the in-store donations and Shurijo Castle WAON cards. We would like to express our deep gratitude for all the support we received from everyone and we hope to continue working together with our customers to support the Shurijo Castle Restoration Project.