Preparing for Emergencies: New concept of “Rolling Stock” and how to use of TOPVALU products
By repeating daily consumption and buying, it maintains the food stock fresh and allows you to stay living normal as much as possible in case of emergency.How is it different from a regular “emergency food supplies”?
How to use TOPVALU products
AEON develops TOPVALU products by “listening to the voices of customers”, so their products are designed to suit our daily lives. We like to introduce some of TOPVALU products that are best for the Rolling Stock.Pre-packaged Rice Porridge
Frozen Food
Pre-packaged Foods and Canned Foods
Convenient Jelly Drinks and Snacks
Useful Hygiene Goods in Disasters
When the water supply is cut off, you might not be able to brush your teeth. Mouthwash gets rid of the sticky uncomfortable feeling in your mouth and sustains cleanness.Alcohol Hand Sanitizer Gel
If you cannot wash your hands due to disaster reasons, the alcohol sanitizer gel will reduce the risk of bacterial and viral infections.Body Power Sheet
Body wipes to keep you clean from sweats and dusts.Cling Wrap
Cling wraps are not only can be used as plates, but also can be used as bandages to stop bleeding in case of injury.Restock what you eat, and stock only what you need. A small change in awareness will prepare you for a disaster. AEON will continue to support you at all times.